Welcome to our website, here you will read how and when we started through to our success today -
Ossie's Cafe hasbeen trading as a family business since 1990, starting off on the streets of ForestHill, South East London where we first opened up on February 19th, meeting a few famous
faces along the way such as Frank Bruno and Bryan Robson. In 2003 we decided branch out to Dartford, Kent, refurbishments went under way and by March 2003 we were ready to open up our
second establishment and so far we have been delighted with our success. We have enjoyed serving our customers, including some British actors such as Mark Homer and Frank
Harper. In 2005 Ossie's Cafe won the Time FM Best Local Cafe Award, which paved the way for our huge success in 2008 winning the National Best Caff award for Best Contribution to Local Area
category, sponsored by The Roof Shop. We were a bit disappointed that we were only 50 votes away from the overall National Award for Best Cafe in UK However, this has only motivated us for next
years awards to do better and thats our philosophy to always get better.